Terms of Service

1. Definitions

1.1. Application – the service available at https://humionboarder.com, owned by Kamil Grzaba.

1.2. User – any individual using the Application who has accepted the Terms of Service.

1.3. Organization – a unit created by a User within the Application.

1.4. Course – a set of educational materials created by the Organization Owner for their employees.

1.5. Points/Tokens – units used within the Application to access additional features, such as generating questions and answers or chatting with the PDF.

2. Registration and Creating an Organization

2.1. To create an Organization, the User must make a one-time payment via the Stripe payment gateway.

2.2. After creating an Organization, the Organization Owner can invite members to join the Organization.

3. Courses

3.1. The Organization Owner can create courses by providing a title, description, and uploading a PDF file.

3.2. The PDF file must be less than 4.4 MB and contain only text.

3.3. Based on the PDF file, using the OpenAI API, sets of questions and answers will be generated.

4. Points/Tokens

4.1. Generating questions and answers and chatting with the PDF will cost points/tokens.

4.2. Users can purchase additional points/tokens via the Stripe payment gateway.

5. Payments

5.1. Payments within the Application are processed via the Stripe payment gateway.

5.2. Pricing for services is available at: https://humionboarder.com/pricing.

6. Downtime and Compensation

6.1. The Application may experience downtime.

6.2. Any downtime should be resolved within 5 business days.

6.3. As compensation, the Organization may, but is not required to, receive additional points/tokens.

7. Intellectual Property

7.1. All rights to the Application, including copyrights, belong to Kamil Grzaba Github.

8. Final Provisions

8.1. These Terms of Service come into effect on the date of their publication on the Application's website.

8.2. The Owner of the Application reserves the right to make changes to the Terms of Service.